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Good decorating, especially when space is limited

by:Modern Century     2021-03-19

This piece is a one-man band of furniture function! You get the table you want beside your chair, and it will no doubt hold a nice lamp and a coaster for your cup of tea while you read. You also get a drawer for storing your reading glasses, a few odds and ends and beside that, a magazine rack suspended from the side of the same table to house the latest issues of all of your favorite publications. Now, if the table could just provide you with a swing out foot prop, you'd be set. Still, with all it does, you don't really need anything more than a chair, a lamp and a bit of free time to peruse the pages of your handily stored periodicals.

While it might seem a bit far-fetched to imagine a chair-side table with a drawer and magazine rack could actually provide decorative value along with performing all of its functions, it does. These fun tables come in lots of great finishes and the styles range from colonial to contemporary. I've even seen one that provides you with a built in lamp to read by! Make no mistake. This is one hard working table with lots of great features and a must for a small reading room.

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