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Salt is salt. . . right?Learn the difference between

by:Modern Century     2021-03-18

Natural health practitioners are convinced that good Himalayan crystal sea salt can improve your health. It keeps you safe and healthy during exercise; in fact, high-altitude hikers make sure they get enough so they don't go into hyperthermia. Taking adequate dietary salt has improved and even eliminated Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Hypertension and stomach cancer have been linked to salt imbalance from improper dietary intake. Cystic fibrosis has been linked to improper salt metabolism. Expectant mothers are always advised to take enough salt in order to help create a healthy infant.If you've never tried good Himalayan sea salt, you are going to be amazed at how good it tastes and how affordable it is. You may also be surprised at how quickly your health improves from using good, natural, organic Himalayan sea salt.------Try a sample of Himalayan salt and see how delicious and healthy this salt is for you and your family.

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